Sunday, April 22, 2012


OK, Day 22 of the WEGO Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge says to write myself a reminder (a Post It,as it were), a la the sticky notes found on the blog, Things We Forget. As for where I would post this, well, I think grade schools would be a start. 'cause wouldn't you have wanted to learn this early on?

"Everything has its wonders,

even darkness and silence,

and I learn,

whatever state I may be in,

therein to be content."

—Helen Keller


  1. Love it. And it's still not to late for some of us to learn that lesson :-)

  2. Love it, Renn. Helen Keller had so many good quotes. The skyscape is stunning. xx

  3. Thank you for coming by and becoming a follower! I really appreciate it! Your blog looks wonderful!


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